Exile in the UK

This period includes all the material relating to Ruth's time in the UK between 1964 and 1977-8, including her teaching materials and her published books. You can follow the links below to browse the material, or look at the clusters of material around the books and teaching here:

The Barrel of a Gun

Libya: the Elusive Revolution

Teaching material coming soon.

Type Title
Other item RF/2/21/1: "The Story of The Libyan Revolution As Told by Col. Muammar Gaddafi, Chairman of The R.C.C."

Two similar transcripts of Gaddafi's account of preparations for the coup, from Archives of the Directorate of Broadcasting, Directorate General of National Guidance, Tripoli, Libyan Arab Repu

Other item RF/2/21/15: Libya material

A list of material for research into Libya, with annotations.


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